
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Time has been flying by these past two weeks! There are so many sweet stories to tell of God’s work on Long Island. He has been incredibly good and faithful as always. One of the truths He has reminded me of recently is how He answers prayers.


The other day, I asked God to give me a clear opportunity to share the gospel with someone. I have been having good conversations with people, but they have not been leading to talking about Jesus. Well, that changed this Thursday.


My team and I were prayer walking the Hofstra campus and we decided to go to the student center. We split into pairs and Hannah and I continued walking for a bit. After praying about what we should do, we decided to sit down at one of the tables in the cafeteria area. Then, we both noticed a girl sitting by herself. We went over and asked if we could sit with her. After she said we could, we started some small talk. Very quickly, we ran out of things to say, but we felt like we weren’t supposed to leave yet.


During the awkward silence, I suddenly turned the conversation back to faith (Hannah had mentioned our internship at the church earlier in the conversation). It felt like before I knew what I was saying, I was describing our internship at Crossroads and asking if she had any faith or religion. She said she didn’t. Suddenly, I was asking if she had heard the gospel or knew about Jesus. She had heard it, but mentioned that it was kind of confusing. I realized that it was a great time to share the 3 Circles (a method of sharing the gospel) to hopefully help her understand it better. Noticing that Hannah had a sticker with the 3 Circles on her phone, I handed the conversation over to her. We asked the girl if it was alright for us to share with her, and she agreed to listen. Hannah got to share the gospel!


In the end, the girl did not choose to believe in Jesus. However, I know that God is working in her life, and I trust that He will use the seeds that Hannah and I planted. Not only did God answer my prayer of a clear opportunity to share the gospel, but He also led me to take the opportunity. It is a privilege and honor to work for the Lord!

3 responses to “God Answers Prayers”

  1. Thanks for sharing Sophia! It is so awesome to see how our wonderful God works all things for His Glory. Praying for you & your team to have more opportunities & boldness to share the Gospel.

  2. God is so faithful to answer our prayers for opportunities to share the gospel like he did for you and Hannah. I will be praying he reveals his truth to all the ones in whom seeds have been planted.

  3. Sophia ~ So thankful that the Lord of the Harvest found in you a worker who is dedicated and passionate to be about His business! I love your reliance on the Holy Spirit each step of the way. I pray that the seeds you’re sowing and the love you’re sharing will be greatly used in each person’s life!