
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Allow me to give you a glimpse of my life in Guatemala through common things I hear throughout each week:


“The days are long, but the weeks are short. Time doesn’t make any sense”

“I need to do laundry”

“Who hasn’t cleaned their dishes?”

“I’m hungry…when’s lunch?”

“Does anyone know the plan for today? No? Ok”

“Everyone, we need to leave! We’re running late again”


While these aren’t official quotes, they definitely resemble what we say. They show how life carries a similar tone even when it plays a different piece. In other words, no matter where you live, you can’t escape the mundane. If it’s inescapable, then what do we do with it?


Invite Someone into it. Suddenly, God brings a new excitement into the same old, boring chores. The mundane receives an upgrade to eternal. The daily tasks are now done for the Lord, and not for people (Colossians 3:23-24).


One thing I learned at training camp was the importance of considering. Part of what made Jesus’ teachings so astounding is that He brought eternal truth out of mundane things. He talked to people about work like farming and scenery like trees. He saw the Father in everything, and I believe we can too. If we ask God what He wants to teach us when we’re getting ready for the day or feeling hungry, we might be surprised at how fast He responds. He’s waiting for us to ask (Matthew 7:7). He desires for us to find a new way of doing the same stuff – a Kingdom Way.